Sunday, 31 May 2020

Yoga for Weight Loss | Abs & Arms | Yoga With Adriene

Top Five Yoga Poses Help You for Fighting Obesity

Yoga is considered to be an amazing practice to achieve spiritual enlightenment. But did you know that Yoga is also a great physical exercise? What experts say is that Hatha Yoga or the physical aspect of yoga consists of specific body postures or alignment exercises that help a person to achieve physical fitness required to attain spiritual enlightenment. Although Yoga works on all the body parts, it is specifically helpful in reducing the body fat and fighting obesity. As we all know that obesity is one of the most common issues that people experience these days. Due to the sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy diet, people are becoming fatter and suffering from a serious form of the physical ailment called obesity.
We tell you top five Yoga Poses that can particularly help you to fight Obesity -
1. Naukasana - 
As the name suggests, Naukasana or boat pose helps you to reduce belly fat, tone the abdominal muscles and strengthen your lower back.
Steps -
Lie down on your back. Keep your hands along your body. Take few deep breaths. Now slowly lift your body, chest, arms and legs off the floor, while taking a deep breath in. Continue to hold this position for few seconds or for as long as you can. Continuously feel the pull on your chest, stomach, and back muscles. Slowly come back to the normal position. While breathing out, relax the pose and come back to the original position. Repeat the asana for at least three times.
2. PawanMuktasana - 
This pose is very useful for burning fat in your thighs, hips and abdominal region.
Steps -
Lie down on your back. Now slowly lift your legs up and clasp your hands around your knees. In this position, bring your legs closer to the body. Hold this position for few seconds. Slowly release the pose and bring your head to the floor. Once you are done, straighten your legs and relax.
3. Bhujansana -
This is also called Cobra Pose. This pose is especially helpful toning and stretching your arms, shoulders, buttocks, thighs, back and abdomen. Bhjangasana is an excellent asana for reducing belly fat. If practised regularly, this pose can help you to attain a flat belly.
Steps -
Lie down on your tummy on the floor. Place your palms on the floor beside the shoulder. Inhale and simultaneously lift your body till the navel. Hold this posture for a few seconds and slowly come back to the original position. Repeat the posture thrice.
4. Paschimottan Asana -
It is also considered to be an excellent pose for fighting belly fat. This pose helps in reducing belly fat and toning your abdominal area, pelvic region, thighs, hips, shoulders.
Steps -
Sit on a flat surface, and stretch your legs in the front and straighten your legs. Inhale and take your arms above your head. Now exhale and bend your body forward and try to touch your knees with your forehead. Continue to hold this posture for few seconds and keep breathing normally. Inhale and slowly come back to the normal position. Repeat the posture twice.
5. Veer Bhadrasana -
This is also called Warrior pose. In addition to reducing body fat, this posture also helps in enhancing the body alignment and burn fat in the entire body.
Steps -
Stand with your legs stretched at least a foot apart. Now, move your gaze to the right, and bend your right leg at 90 degrees. Now take a deep breath in, and lift both your arms at the shoulder level. Turn your head to the right and continue to hold this posture for few seconds or as long as you can. Inhale and come back to the original position. Repeat the posture at least twice.
These poses, if practised on a regular basis, can really help you to reduce not just the belly fat, but also the fat from the entire body. Reducing the belly fat is the toughest job in the world and demands a lot of effort from the person. But, it is not impossible either. With practice and patience, you can really achieve good results in a very short period of time.
Yoga has become an important part of our life. Yoga helps a person acheive physical, psychological and emotional wellness. We are introducing 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training and giving you an opportunity to transform your health and spiritual life style. If you would like to know more about our school please Click Here.

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Saturday, 30 May 2020

Vitamins: do you need supplements?

The Benefits of Supplements for Sports

Today, many products can be found in the shelves of supplement stores, such as weight loss aids, vitamins/minerals, amino acids, creatine and protein powders, just to name a few. All of the products claim to offer instant, magical results. Although sportsmen work hard to achieve their goals, most of them wonder if these supplements for sports can help them enjoy a competitive edge. Let's find out some benefits of supplements for athletes.
With the help of a nutrition course, students can find out about the right type of supplements for them. For instance, if you are a weight lifter, you will use a different set of supplements than your friend who is an endurance runner. Aside from this, other factors like side-effects and dosages also play a great role.
In the world of sports nutrition, there is a lot of debate about how to use sports supplements the right way. Let's read some benefits of these supplements.
If you want to boost your performance as an athlete, know that protein is the most important nutrient for you. Typically, protein is found in powder and tablet form. Today, there are different brands of protein powders out there, which makes it easier for you to opt for the right one based on your needs.
Protein powders are obtained from different sources like soy, egg whites, and whey. Whey protein is used to build muscles as it offers a quick digestion rate that helps you build lean muscle mass. Besides, protein supports fat loss and helps curb hunger.
Creatine is a naturally occurring compound, which is found inside your body. Usually, synthetic creatine is found on the list of performance supplements and is sold in powder form. After taking it, you will feel an energy boost and faster muscle growth.
According to scientific research, creatine helps improve athletic performance. Aside from this, it helps boost players' performance on the ground and in the gym. The great thing about creatine is that it is relatively less expensive.
However, if used in excess, creatine may exert too much stress on your kidneys and bladder.
Vitamin Supplements
Often, athletes make mistakes in their dietary choices. As a result, they don't get the vitamins they need from their meals. This is where vitamin supplements come to their rescue. Your body needs vitamins to do many vital functions like heart function, regulation of the nervous system, eyesight maintenance and food digestion.
If you follow a rigorous training schedule, you might want to opt for several vitamin supplements. However, this is not a must.
Many vitamins like A, B-6, C and D may cause some side effects like toxicity symptoms if you take them in high doses. Let's take an example. Suppose you are taking vitamin B-6 supplements. Now, if you take more than 10mg of it per day, you may experience abdominal cramping and numbness in the legs and arms.
So, what you need to do is discuss the matter with an expert. This way you can make the right choice as far as choosing and consuming sports supplements is concerned.
In short, this is an introduction to the benefits of sports supplements.
If you want to know more about supplements for sports, we suggest that you check out AthletWay. They offer tons of useful info for free.

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Friday, 29 May 2020

Micronutrition Pt 1 - Vitamins and Minerals

Rupy, giving us a good Base Understanding of what Vitamins & Minerals actually are and why they're Essential to our Diet.

Which Foods are Rich in Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals refer to the healthy substances that we find in the foods we eat in our regular diet. These substances are needed by our body in order to build and maintain a healthy system all over. We get them naturally from our food. In fact, some of the foods offer more of these healthy substances, some offer less.
About vitamin
Vitamins can be categorized under two heads; one is fat soluble and the other one is water soluble. Vitamin A, D, E and K are soluble in fat and can be stored within body. On the other hand, vitamin C and B complex are soluble in water. So it is needed for these vitamins to be dissolved into the water prior to their absorption within the body itself. Quite evidently, these vitamins can not be stored within our body. So any content of these vitamins if not used by the body is passed away through body along with bodily wastages. So your body needs a constant supply of these two vitamins in regular diet.
About Mineral
We all know that vitamins are derived from organic substances such as plants or animals, however, minerals are obtained from inorganic substances that essentially come from soil and water. These are either sopped up by plants or eaten by animals. We need minerals in larger amounts, especially for our growth and development. Calcium is such an essential mineral that we require in great amounts for bodily growth. Others are trace minerals such as zinc, iodine, chromium, copper, iron and selenium that our body requires in lesser amount on a regular basis.
Food - the Fuel of Growth
Our body goes through continuous changes, both physically and psychologically. To stay healthy and to maintain a healthy balance throughout our life, the most essential thing that we need is food. Without food, we may not possibly be alive for too long period. There are a variety of foods rich in vitamins and minerals available that offer us support to grow, develop and maintain health. The best way to acquire healthy substances for our system is to eat healthy foods rich in vitamins and minerals.
The foods with appropriate balance of carbohydrate, fats, protein and calories suffice the demand for optimum health. Whole or unprocessed foods such as fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables, low-fat and low-cholesterol dairy products, whole grains, fishes contain the required nutrients that we need to keep ourselves healthy and stay fit. Basically, meats, fishes and poultry products are foods rich in vitamins and minerals that fulfill the overall demands for essential nutrients for achieving a healthy system.
However, we need to be little selective while choosing foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Not all foods contain all the qualities. Say, for example, if you drink milk, you can have a good amount of vitamin D along with potassium, calcium and phosphorous. On the other hand, if you drink soda, it offers very little amount of minerals and vitamins.
Some of us really get scared when the time comes discussing about healthy foods. It seems like a desperate compromise about taste and flavor of food. But in reality, the situation is quite opposing. You have the all flexibility to choose between delicious foods rich in vitamins and minerals if you love to eat fresh salads, vegetable pizza, lean meat sandwich or baked potato. These foods are indeed tasty, delicious and full of nutritional choices.
However, if you are really serious about satisfying the bodily needs for vitamins and minerals and if you are planning to switch on considering different vitamin and mineral supplements available in the market, you are strongly recommended not to take any drastic action prior consulting with your doctor. It is true that vitamins and minerals are good for our health, but that does not necessarily imply that taking too much of these substance can offer you something better. Rather it is always good that you largely depend on a wide variety of healthy natural foods rich in vitamins and minerals.
Dr John Anne is an herbal specialist with years of experience and extensive research on herbs and alternative health. If you are looking for more information, read about Vitamin Benefits and Vitamins Chart. Visit for useful Information on Vitamins, Minerals and Amino Acids

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Thursday, 28 May 2020

‘We Really Are What We Eat’: Benefits of Nutrient-Rich Foods

The Joyous Benefits of Soy Foods

Soy, coming from the soybean or soya bean, is a tasty and popular legume. Originating in Southeast Asia to be consumed as part of a traditional diet in many countries, soy is packed with delicious plant-based protein and there are many ways to use it. You can opt for your traditional tofu or tempeh (fermented soy) or branch out by using it as an egg or meat alternative (think tofu scramble or veggie burgers).
Nutrient Profile of Soy
Soy and foods made from soy are rich in several nutrients. Soy is abundant in B vitamins, fiber, potassium, magnesium, and protein! Soy is considered to be a complete or high-quality protein, meaning it provides all of the essential amino acids your body needs to feel its best. In fact, the only two plant-based foods that are considered to be high-quality proteins are soy and quinoa. Examples of one serving of soy are 1/3 cup tofu, 1 cup soy milk, or ½ cup edamame (soybeans in the pod).
What About Estrogen?
A common concern people have about soy is the estrogen content. Since soy is a plant, the estrogen it contains is known as phytoestrogen. Phytoestrogen contains isoflavones, which are very strong antioxidants. In other words, it helps protect your cells against damage. Research studies have shown that the phytoestrogen in soy can be protective against some chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and breast cancer.
There are so many options! How do I know what to eat?
Let's explore the choices available to you at the supermarket and the delicious ways you can include them in your daily menu.
Tofu is processed soybean curd and the versatility of this food is amazing! While it tastes a little bland when eaten on its own, tofu can become a tasty addition to meals or desserts when mixed with other flavorful foods. There are four different varieties of tofu, each with their own special cooking characteristics. These varieties include silken, soft, firm, and extra firm.
Silken tofu is creamy in texture and can be used in:
  • Dressings: Use it as a substitute for mayonnaise or sour cream by mixing it with a dried onion soup or ranch dressing mix.
  • Dips / Sauces: Use it instead of cream for a low-fat Alfredo Sauce.
  • Desserts: Use it to make a pie filling, custard, or cheesecake. Chocolate icing could be made with silken tofu by mixing with a chocolate instant pudding mix.
  • Baked Dishes, Waffles and Pancake Batters: Replace the eggs in these recipes with silken tofu.
Soft tofu is slightly firmer than silken tofu, but is still moist. Some ideas for using soft tofu are:
  • Toss into a pasta dish in place of soft Italian cheeses.
  • Mash and blend with Italian herbs and spices and use it to stuff large shells. Pour your favorite sauce on top and bake.
  • Make a shake by blending it with mixed fruit and low-fat milk and top with dry cereal.
Firm and extra-firm tofu hold their shape and are good for:
  • Salads: Make an imitation egg salad by cutting the soy into small pieces and adding celery, onion, black pepper, low-fat mayonnaise, and a little mustard.
  • Dinners: Try using it in place of chicken in a stir fry or a fajita dish; or grill with some vegetables and make a shish-ka-bob.
Other Soy Products
Tempeh is made of fermented soybeans and is smoky in flavor with a chewy texture. It can be marinated in a variety of sauces such as BBQ sauce, buffalo sauce, or soy sauce and put on the grill or the oven. You could also cut it into bite-size pieces and mix it into casseroles, salads, chili, or soup. A grilled tempeh, cheese, and tomato sandwich is a great example of how to use tempeh.
Soymilk is the milk of the soybean and can be used just like dairy milk. You can try using it to make pudding, hot chocolate, and cream soups. Pour on top of your favorite cereal, use it in your morning bowl of oatmeal, or just enjoy a nice, tall cold glass. Soymilk is sold as different versions including original, sweetened, unsweetened, vanilla, low-fat, and non-fat.
Soy Protein
Soy protein has similar characteristics to meat. It can be flavored to mimic chicken, beef, and other meats. Some examples are vegetable burgers, soy hotdogs, soy deli slices, and meatless meat.
Add canned soybeans to any recipe. Experiment with edamame (a green soybean in the shell) by adding it to any vegetable dish, such as fried rice. They are typically packaged and sold frozen.
Soy Flour
Soy flour is made from roasted soybeans and is ground into flour. You can replace ¼ of the total flour in a recipe with soy flour to bake muffins, cookies, and cakes.
Miso is a fermented food product that can add a cheesy flavor to whatever dish it's added to. You can use miso in soups, salad dressings, marinades, or stir-frys.
Incorporating soy into your meals can be tasty, easy, and fun all the while enjoying the nutritional health benefits! Take your time to experiment with different products and different flavors in order to discover what you like best. If you don't know where to begin, try adjusting some of your favorite recipes to be centered around soy. For example, instead of making beef tacos for dinner try tofu tacos! There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to food; simply listen to your body and enjoy!
Bonnie R. Giller is a Registered and Certified Dietitian Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Educator and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. She helps chronic dieters, emotional eaters, and people with medical conditions like diabetes, break the spell that diets have over them and reclaim WholeBody Trust™ so they can live their life to the fullest. She does this by creating a tailored solution that combines the three pillars of WholeBody Trust™: Mind Trust, Hunger Trust and Food Trust™.
Join her free Break the Spell of Diets in 3 Days online experience
Have diabetes: Grab a free copy of her eBook: 5 Keys to Manage Diabetes Without Dieting

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Wednesday, 27 May 2020

The Power of Breath: Yoga's Psychological Benefits | Anjali Mehta | TEDx...

Yoga can be as simple as a few poses at ones own level of difficulty, breathe easy and take it slow.
A great addition to exercise with psychological benefits, Helping Body and Mind 🙏

The Real Power of Yoga

The Yoga
"YOGA - the power of strength"
The word yoga stands for the symbol of "union". In Sanskrit, yoga is the meaning of "to join." The real meaning of yoga is not about doing physical activity it is the process of combining the soul with activity. Behind yoga, one can find the spiritual strength of the individual. The root of yoga has begun in the first millennium BCE. Gradually the benefit of yoga came to across. Another word for yoga is "the yoke."
The power of Yoga:
The combination of both physical and mental activity in order to reach the inner soul by producing some amount of energy is the real meaning of Yoga. One should have to know the power of Yoga.
Let's look at the benefits of Yoga.
1. To get better body image: Focusing inward while doing yoga will help you get the better structure to the body.
2. Mindful eating: You will get an advantage of feeling on what you eat.
3. Heart benefits: By doing yoga regularly can help to lower the blood pleasure and cholesterol.
4. Weight control: yoga is the best action to perform to lose weight.
5. Overall fitness: Practicing the yoga several times a week will help to maintain the overall fitness very well.
Usually, the more you perform the more you get. The yoga includes other assets.
  • ... Will help to calm your mind and trains body.
  • ... Yoga fits for everyone and yoga doesn't need any special equipment.
  • ... Improved sleep, digestion.
  • ... Increases flexibility, muscle strength, and blood flow.
  • ... Balanced metabolism, help you focus, and strengthened bones.
The spiritual types of yoga:
Law of pure potentiality:
Knowing who we give us the capacity to fulfill any dream we have. When we are in conformity with nature, we develop a bond between our ambitions and the strength realize these desires.
Law of giving and receiving:
The law of receiving is equaled by the law of giving. In the universe, everything is operated through dynamic exchange. We don't have a right to stop the flow of nature.
Law of karma:
If you can joyfully involve yourself in any activity, that is karma. If you do it with great effort, only karma will come, not yoga will happen.
Law of least effort:
You can most simply accomplish your craving when your actions are driven by love, and when you exhaust the least achievement by contributing no struggle. In this way, you strike into the limitless organizing capacity of the universe to do less and attain everything.
Law of intention and desire:
The entire universe is the mixture of energy and information. They both exist in everywhere. The quality of importance in every intention and desire is the tool for its fulfillment.
Law of Dharma:
Everyone in this world has a dharma to do in a lifetime. By showing your unique talents and specialties to the others, you will get unlimited love, abundance, trust and real fulfillment in your life.
Law of Detachment:
The law of detachment states that in order to drive anything in the physical universe, you must surrender out the connection to it.
In this world, Yoga is the powerful tool to attain the strength of spirituality.

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Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Tony Robbins - The Power of Belief

We Can Apply This To Many Aspects Of Our Lives...   Certainty

Losing Weight Without Exercising - Is It Possible?

Losing weight without exercising, doesn't that sound too good to be true? You may also think that it is not possible at all. If you want to lose weight you have to work hard, otherwise, you will not lose weight.
This is, of course, true in part. Yet the vast majority comes down to your diet. Because of the nutrition, you receive every day, you take good care of your body or you will become overweight. The right diet in combination with sports is the best way to keep on weight.
Losing weight without exercising
Losing weight consists of two things. 80% consists of healthy food and 20% consists of sports. It is possible to lose weight by eating healthily and not exercising. You cannot lose weight by eating unhealthily and exercising a lot.
Sports like a kettlebell workout, running, sprinting or strength training are super good to train your body. Even without exercising it is possible to lose weight. That is probably a relief if you really don't have time to go to the gym. To stay healthy it is necessary that you exercise for at least 30 minutes every day.
You do this by walking, cycling or swimming every day. Most people can easily complete these in 30 minutes. But, it's good to know that healthy food is the most important part to stay healthy.
What do you eat then?
Now that you know how important healthy food is, you naturally want to know what you are going to eat. Food provides energy, you need this energy to survive. You get energy through carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. All food sources are digested in a different way.
The different nutrients all have a different effect on your fat burning and your weight. Carbohydrates reduce fat burning and ensure that you gain more. Proteins and healthy fats actually increase your fat-burning, so you only burn more fat.
Different types of food
There are different types of carbohydrates that you should avoid as much as possible. Carbohydrates include cereals such as bread, starch, sugars, and alcohol. The carbohydrates that you ingest are converted into sugars in your body. These sugars cause an insulin peak in your blood.
This high insulin peak disrupts the enzyme that controls your fat burning. So carbohydrates ensure that your fat burns badly. No matter how much you exercise, it doesn't matter. To burn body fat it is wise to eat low carbohydrate recipes.
Easy to lose weight without exercising
By choosing the right foods you increase fat burning. Proteins and healthy fats do not cause a high insulin peak, so your body can burn body fat. So eat more meat, fatty fish, nuts, eggs, seeds, natural oils, and vegetables.
If you eat this way, you burn more energy than you consume. This makes it very easy to lose weight. Of course, your digestion also influences the processing of your food.
To make the entire waste process easier, it is good to remember that carbohydrates make you fatter and protein-rich recipes and healthy fats are good for losing weight without exercising.
What do you have to change now?
It is, therefore, necessary to change your diet. If you don't have time to exercise, start in the kitchen. A first tip is to prepare your own meals yourself. In this way, you determine what you eat and which ingredients are used in your meal.
Make your own breakfast such as a smoothie, take a healthy lunch to work and always cook your evening meals yourself. Avoid as many sauces as possible or make them yourself from now on.
No more eating grains and sugars
This is probably one of the biggest challenges you face. We've all gotten used to eating a lot of grains. It is necessary to eat in a different way.
Don't bring any more sugars into your home and avoid your favorite candy. Take other snacks with you and make sure that you are no longer tempted to buy this.
Replace your cookie in the evening with a piece of vegetables or eat a handful of nuts with your coffee. Of course, you no longer add sugar to your coffee or tea either.
Healthy snacking
You may have eaten healthily all day, but every day at four o'clock you are tempted to eat something sweet. These types of sugars are not good to lose weight and you should, therefore, avoid them.
If you know you are always snacking, take a healthy snack with you. A handful of carrots or other fruits are delicious to chew. So eat enough protein, fewer carbohydrates and lots of healthy fats. That will help you lose fat and keep on weight.
If I could show you a way how to lose 5 pounds in 12 days, would get better at using a revolutionary new diet system that not only guarantees to help you lose weight, and promises to help you lose more weight faster than anything else you've ever tried, would you be interested to find out more?

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Monday, 25 May 2020

Top 10 Healthiest Foods

Protein-Rich Recipes For Losing Weight

Do you want to lose more weight and build muscle? Then you are probably looking for healthy protein-rich recipes that will help you lose weight. These type of recipes are popular among athletes because protein-rich food helps you lose weight and build muscle.
In this article, you can read all about protein-rich recipes so that you know exactly why this diet works so well when losing weight.
Protein-rich recipes
Proteins, are one of the three most important nutrients of humans. The other two important nutrients are carbohydrates and fats.
You get proteins by eating animal products such as dairy, meat, and eggs. They are found in vegetable products such as nuts and legumes.
Our body consists of 20% protein. That is why they are also essential building materials for our bodies. They are important for your fat burning, metabolism and hormonal balance.
If you do not get enough protein, you may experience the following symptoms:
  • Retention of fluid (edema)
  • Hair loss
  • Fatigue
  • Lose muscle mass
  • Change in hormones, women are no longer having their period
  • Hair color changes
The benefits of protein-rich recipes:
  • By eating proteins you provide nutrients for your body
  • You get less hunger feeling due to protein-rich food.
  • Protein-rich food prevents snacking and unhealthy eating in the evenings
  • Proteins increase fat burning and metabolism.
Proteins help you to keep on weight and lose weight in an easy way. That is why it has been so popular in recent years..
Proteins suppress the constant feeling of hunger
Eating more protein is a great solution for people who always feel hungry.
Several studies show that people eat less when they get a lot of protein. Eating a lot of protein ensures that you are full and that prevents the feeling of hunger. It also appears that after eating a protein-rich meal you get less hungry.
The effect is greater than you initially think. Research shows that women ate 441 fewer calories per day due to a high-protein diet. The only thing the women had to do was increase the protein intake from 15% to 30%. Furthermore, the women were allowed to eat everything and there were no strict rules. The women significantly reduced calories by the number of proteins.
Proteins are building materials
Proteins are one of the most important building materials. Proteins are an energy source for repairing and building up your body cells. Muscles are cells that benefit a lot from proteins. Muscles need enough proteins to grow and become stronger.
Your muscle cells produce new proteins, which you also call muscle white synthesis. The amount of protein that you ingest every day in combination with the training damage of your muscles influences muscle white synthesis.
If you damage the muscles during training, the body provides new muscle proteins.
This causes the muscle fibers to grow. For this, you need enough protein. If you don't get enough protein, the muscle mass will decrease in the short term.
In the long term, the effects are much more serious. Low protein intake causes a lack of muscle strength and low resistance.
Enough proteins are also needed for your bones. Proteins prevent annoying problems such as osteoporosis and fractures.
Proteins increase fat burning and metabolism
Everything you eat has to digest in your body, this costs your body a lot of energy. How much energy these costs depends entirely on the things you eat.
Burning proteins costs your body more energy than the digestion of fats and carbohydrates. It costs your body four times more energy than digesting fats and carbohydrates. This means that you burn more calories through a high-protein diet.
Research shows that people who eat more protein compared to people who eat little protein burn 260 more calories per day. To burn this number of calories it is necessary that you exercise for an hour every day. It is, therefore, possible to burn more calories by eating protein-rich foods.
Are there any disadvantages?
There are no known major disadvantages of this way of eating. It is important to mention that there must be a healthy balance. In addition to proteins, it is also necessary to get enough carbohydrates and fats. Your body needs the three different building materials to function properly. Make sure you get them all.
How many proteins do I need to get?
There are no known disadvantages of a protein-rich diet. It is important not to get too much in it. As a precaution, you can, therefore, maintain an upper limit. This means that no more than a quarter of your daily kilo of calories consists of proteins.
How many proteins you need differs per person, this depends on your age and body weight, whether you exercise a lot or don't exercise much. The level of sport also influences the number of proteins, strength athletes need to get more protein than people who exercise lightly.
  • A healthy adult who does not exercise needs at least 0.8 grams of protein per kilo of body weight per day.
  • Power athletes, on the other hand, need 1.8-2.0 grams of protein per kilo weight.
  • Are you an endurance athlete? Then you need 1.2-1.4 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.
  • Are you a fanatic bodybuilder? Then you need 2.2 grams of protein per kilo weight.
  • The advice for vegetarians is to get 20% more protein. 
If I could show you a way how to lose 5 pounds in 12 days, would get better at using a revolutionary new diet system that not only guarantees to help you lose weight, and promises to help you lose more weight faster than anything else you've ever tried, would you be interested to find out more?

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Sunday, 24 May 2020

Ellie Simmonds talks Mental Heath Awareness

Great to hear from athletes who are at the top of their game.
Ellie Simmonds talks about her mental strength and her coping mechanisms for pressures of sport at that level. We can all learn something from these guys & girls.

Read full article here:

3 Key Mental Strength Secrets For Success

You hear it every day, not matter what the current economic situation, "they" say "If only ___" you fill in the blank. I hope you are not one of those people, I don't think so otherwise you wouldn't be reading this article.
Think about this...why is that the people who always complain about the economy, their job, or even the weather are never "successful?" Now I know success means different things to different people, but it's the individual that claims they are not successful, so they must know their definition of success.
So how does a person become successful under any circumstance? I'll tell that success leaves clues and all you have to do is follow them.  In my reaching top achievers the number one key ingredient is in the way they think....they have developed mental strength for success.
Here are the top three mental strength secrets that these top achievers use to achieve success:
1.) Top Achievers Operate from an Unbiased Perceptive of Their Reality:  Top achievers take a realistic view of their skills, efforts and involvement compared to their desired outcome. If they don't match up the NEVER change the desired outcome, they change their time, improve their skills or get more involved.   They ask themselves this powerful question, "Are my habits, actions, and behaviors congruent with the size and scope of my vision?"  Go ahead...ask yourself the same question and sit with it for awhile, then journal your answer.  You'll probably be shocked at the answer
2.) Exceptional Success Begins with Exceptional Thinking: If you went to work today because you wanted to, you are in control of money. If you went to work this morning because you had to, money is in control of you. Even in the wealthiest nation in the world, 99% of the population is being controlled by money. The effect is lack of money. The cause is thinking. Einstein once said: "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." And this is what top achievers know and do...change their thinking, and then the results change.
Knowing this, top achievers raise their level of consciousness by studying how other top achievers create wealth.  Top achievers trades ideas that solve problems, not time, for money. Frustrated over those that are top achievers the "also ran's" often scorn the top achievers for their own lack of money, yet the answer to earning more has been in their heads their whole lives. Ideas -- it's such a simple concept that the majority misses it.
The question is then, "What would you need to change in your thinking to create more money?" Again, take time with this and then journal your answer.
3.) Top achiever Have an Enormous Capacity for Unrelenting Concentration:  Top achievers are famous for fixating their energy and efforts on what they want to the exclusion of anything or anyone that threatens their focus. While average people haphazardly pursue loosely defined goals, top achievers concentrate on the achievement of a singular purpose with an intensity that borders on obsession.
Top achievers invest an excessive amount of time and energy in selecting their major goals and then double checking to make sure the goals is exactly what they want. While the masses consider making changes every New Year's Eve, the goal setting and planning process is an everyday habit of top achievers. When the goals are set, top achievers put mental blinders on and move forward with dogged persistence and ferocious tenacity.
The question here is, "Does your results show you are more interested in instant pleasure or delayed gratification?"  Tough one to answer, and if you're committed to creating more in you life you'll take a log hard look at this question and answer it truthfully
So, there ya your face questions about how committed you are to your success using the 3 key mental strength secrets of top achievers.  I hope this got you mad and aggravated, so much so that you will reflect on the above questions; your answers and then take action.  You truly deserve to have the life of your dreams!
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Saturday, 23 May 2020

10 Benefits Of Exercise On The Brain And Body - Why You Need Exercise

Mind and Body Experience

Do you hate the thought of exercise? Can't be bothered? Always too busy? Well we all have moments when we simply don't have the energy to even think about exercise let alone do any. I have moments when I kid myself into thinking that exercise will only make me more hungry than I was before I started, so what's the point.
Well, let me tell you - exercise needn't be a strain and it can be very therapeutic. It can not only curb those hunger pangs; it can also make you feel like a different person. I have discovered that doing just gentle exercise can improve your life and spirit enormously. Just 20 minutes of yoga or meditation can make you feel so refreshed, you can tackle anything! A healthy lifestyle can drastically improve your well-being!
Physical and Mental Benefits
There are so many books, fitness products and websites, all providing a bewildering amount of information on the benefits of healthy living. A healthy living lifestyle provides both physical and mental benefits. The phrase: 'We are what we eat' can effectively be termed 'we feel what we eat', as the food we eat can affect our mood and well-being. There is a definite connection between physical well being and eating well, experts have revealed.
Repair The Body
Protein is known to be essential for the growth and repair of the body, which you can get from meat, fish, dairy and pulses. Protein helps repair the body and fluid keeps it hydrated.
You should also consider the art of resting and positive thinking. That is - simply doing nothing at all - allowing your mind to rest completely and banish all your negative thoughts. Meditation is a form of 'resting the mind' and enables both mind and body to rejuvenate completely, refreshing the parts that haven't been functioning so well. It can be a marvellous tonic for the system.
Improve Your Mood
Dehydration, even of a mild form, can affect our mood and physical well-being, so it is important to drink enough fluid, ideally up to eight glasses of fluid a day. Dehydration can cause increased irritability and loss of concentration, so drink plenty of fluid during the day.
By exercising on a regular basis, you will not only improve your well-being and general mood, but also benefit your general health by reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease and stroke. Gentle exercise is as good as high impact exercise like running, skipping or aerobics. Yoga and Pilates have been known to benefit both mind and body and result in an amazing feeling of well-being. Exercise needn't be excessive for you to reap the benefits.
Reduce Anxiety
As experienced by many before us, regular physical activity can have a positive benefit on your mental health as it has the effect of releasing certain chemicals in the brain, affecting our mood considerably, making us feel happier in ourselves. It is understandable, therefore that exercise helps people recover from depression and even avoid it in the first place. Exercise can improve your mood; it can also reduce anxiety and improve your concentration.
Be Creative
Exercise can take the form of anything you enjoy. Even doing the gardening is a form of exercise, or walking your child to the park. It does not have to involve expensive gym memberships. Be creative - what do you like and dislike? Is there a sport you enjoy or have always wanted to take up? Do you like circuit training or swimming or both? Or just simply yoga or pilates. Even meditation is a form of exercise - exercise of the mind, You can combine different forms of exercise to suit yourself.
Go Easy
You don't need to overdo it! As I said before, gentle exercise can be more beneficial than you think. You don't need to slog your guts out running a marathon to feel good about yourself. Choose what suits you best and enjoy what you do.
Best wishes
Christina Fields
Copyright © 2010 Christina Fields

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Thursday, 21 May 2020

Trick Yourself into Finding Motivation to Exercise By Using Psychology

Putting Off Exercise? Two Ways to Regain Motivation and Stop Procrastinating Workouts

Today is the day!
You told yourself you'd hit to the gym after work. But work was more hectic than you thought. Now you're drained. You drive home, clean up a bit, but then you make the mistake of sitting down. You can feel your energy fading - along with your motivation.
You know you should get that workout in.
But the idea of dragging yourself to the gym is quickly turning into a pipe dream. You feel like you just can't get yourself to get up. So then you decide you'll workout tomorrow instead. But this too is questionable.
This cycle can go on for days... weeks... even months. And it's frustrating because part of us wants to work out, and knows we'll feel so much better once we do - but another part of ourselves would rather just crash on the couch.
So why do we procrastinate workouts?
Let's look at three culprits:
1. I'm Too Busy
2. I Don't Feel Like It
3. I Can't Wake Up In Time
1) I'm Too Busy
Have you found there are "more important" things to do than getting to the gym?
Maybe there's paperwork to catch up.
Maybe there are clothes to fold.
Maybe you have to make dinner.
The tricky part is all of those might be valid. All of those might be important. But those reasons can quickly turn into excuses. Especially if those same reasons stop you day after day.
2) I Don't Feel Like It. 
Some days we just aren't in the mood.
We're tired.
We're stressed out.
We're not feeling motivated.
Because we're not in the right mood, we wait until a "better day" or when we're in a "better mood".
Behind this reason is often the belief that, "I need to be motivated before I act" - which is FAR from the truth. I've met many fit people and some days they are gung-ho and super-motivated but sometimes they aren't - but they work out anyway. Lack of motivation doesn't stop them.
3) I Can't Wake Up In Time
Mornings can be rough.
The alarm disrupts our perfect slumber. So we hit snooze once... twice... a dozen times until finally we frantically have to get ready for the day.
Maybe the bed is too cozy
Maybe it's too cold outside
Maybe you're too tired. 
It can be tough waking up, especially if you're a night owl. Or if you're in the habit of snoozing your alarm clock. Sure - exercising in the morning has benefits. But if the mornings don't work, find a time that does. For some people, lunch hours or evening works much better for them.
So it could be any one of these or combination of these. Whatever the reason, let's look at two ways to prevent this cycle of procrastinating workouts.
Imagine The Finish Line
As you imagine your next workout, what comes to mind?
Do you imagine how pleasant and enjoyable it's going to be? 
Do you think about how happy you're going be while doing it? 
How much fun you're going to have? 
Probably not. When most people imagine working out, they picture all sorts of unpleasant things. Their focus zooms in on the painful exercises... how hard it will be... how tired they'll be... how sore they'll be... everyone watching them...
It's easy to see how they talk themselves out of it.
Focusing on these things will make anyone unmotivated. But just like a photographer, you can adjust and shift your focus to other qualities of a landscape. More beautiful aspects. More inspiring aspects.
In fact, let's take a lesson from the Navy SEALS on this.
Years ago, the Navy SEALS were in a dilemma, 76% of their top candidates were dropping out.The Navy knew these recruits were more than capable, yet few were making the cut. So they called psychologist, Eric Potterat to figure out how to boost the recruits' mental toughness. Potterat created four habits (called The Big Four) that worked so well, it increased graduation rate by 50%!
One habit was known as "Imagining How Good It Will Feel".
When recruits needed a boost to keep them going through a brutal workout, he taught them to imagine successfully completing a workout. This allowed them to tap into powerful emotions like feeling successful and accomplishing something. And this allowed them to power through it.
Here's how you can use this:
Visualize A Successful Workout
Imagine yourself successfully completing the workout.
Think about how good that will feel at the end.
Feel that success and that accomplishment.
Even if it's just one workout, it's still an accomplishment.
Even if you can't perform as well as you used to, it's still an accomplishment.
Visualize it as best as you can.
Bring in as many senses as you can.
And you don't have to focus on the completing the entire workout. You can use this for certain parts of your workout; using something Potterat calls "segmenting."
In an interview with Business Insider, Potterat states:
"If you're thrust into a seemingly overwhelming, stressful situation, the best thing you can do is just kind of manage one step at a time and focus on what's controllable."
Pick out certain exercises and how they will feel once you've accomplished them.
For me, I don't enjoy doing pull ups. If I imagine doing pull ups, it's not very motivating. But if I imagine what it's like after completing pull ups, it's very motivating. Use it for certain exercises.
When you break it down like this, it's somewhat like crossing off items on a checklist. You can give yourself a surge of accomplishment by finishing each of those small steps.
Here are some additional aspects you can focus on:
When you're done how much more alert and energized will you feel?
How much more peace of mind will you have after the work out?
How much better will the rest of your day feel?
Do you think that feeling of accomplishment will carry with you the rest of the day?
5-Minute Commitment 
Working as a fitness professional, I learned that the most successful clients had certain things in common.
One of which was the quantity of workouts they did on their own (called "off-day workouts"). In many cases, these would make or break people. You see, when people need to show up for a session with a trainer, they have accountability. So it's not too difficult to show up.
But it's a different story when they have to show up on their own.
So I gave them a challenge.
Even if you're tired.
Even if you don't feel like it.
Even if you're not motivated.
Even if you're not in the mood.
5-Minute Commitment
  1. Workout for 5-minutes
  2. If after five minutes you still aren't feeling it, then go home. 
Well, guess what?
In most cases, they'll finish the entire workout. Instead of waiting for motivation to strike them like lightning, they acted their way into motivation. It's similar to the quote by William Butler Yeats, "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."
Commit yourself to just five minutes.
Worst-case scenario, you still accomplish a small workout.
Best-case scenario, you finish the entire thing.
For more ways to fight procrastination and boost your discipline to power through projects, workouts, and tasks - check out

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Wednesday, 20 May 2020

15. Immune System Responses to Exercise

Tips to Enhance Body Immunity

In the wake of Covid-19 pandemic, the people have been taking the required precautions like the use of mask, social distancing, minimal personal interactions, etc. Despite the observance of these measures, it is quite important that one should possess good immunity to fight the new Corona virus infection and other illnesses.
The immune system is essential for our survival. Without it our bodies would be open to attack from bacteria, viruses, parasites, and more. It keeps us healthy as we come across a large number of pathogens.
It is spread throughout the body and involves many types of cells, organs, proteins, and tissues. It has special ability to distinguish our tissue from foreign tissue. Dead and faulty cells are also recognized and cleared away by it.
If it encounters a pathogen, a bacterium, virus, or parasite, it mounts a so-called immune response. An immune response is a reaction which occurs in our body for the purpose of defending against foreign invaders. A toxin or other foreign substance, which induces an immune response in the body thereby producing antibodies, is called antigen.
Central to its ability to mobilize a response to an invading pathogen, toxin or allergen is its ability to distinguish self from non-self. The host uses both innate and adaptive mechanisms to detect and eliminate pathogenic microbes.
Innate immunity is the defense system with which we are born. Innate immunity involves barriers that keep harmful materials from entering our body. These barriers form the first line of defense in the immune response.
If pathogens successfully evade the innate response, we possess a second layer of protection, the adaptive immune system, which is activated by the innate response. It adapts its response during an infection to improve its recognition of the pathogen. This response is retained after the pathogen has been eliminated in the form of an immunological memory, which allows the adaptive immune system to mount faster and stronger attacks each time this pathogen is encountered.
Tips to enhance immunity - 
The following are important tips that will help us to enhance our immunity:
Have an adequate sleep - 
Sleep and immunity are closely linked. During sleep, the immune system releases proteins called cytokines. Certain cytokines need to increase when we have an infection or inflammation, or when we are under stress. Sleep deprivation may decrease production of these protective cytokines. In addition, infection-fighting antibodies and cells are reduced during periods when we don't get enough sleep.
It is normally recommended that adults should aim to get 7 or more hours of sleep each night, whereas teens need 8-10 hours and younger children and infants up to 14 hours.
Eat more whole plant foods - 
Whole plant foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes are rich in nutrients and antioxidants that may give you an upper hand against harmful pathogens by boosting immunity. By eating all different colors of plant-based foods, we are more likely to get a strong and varied nutritional profile. In fact, whole foods, plant-based diet contains 64-times the amount of immunity-boosting antioxidants compared to a diet that includes meat and dairy.
Eat healthy oil - 
Healthy fats like olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil and foods rich in omega-3s are highly anti-inflammatory. Since chronic inflammation can suppress our immune system, these fats may naturally combat illnesses. A low-level inflammation is a normal response to stress or injury.
Reduce stress - 
The stress suppresses it, increasing susceptibility to colds and other illnesses. It is difficult to define stress. Most scientists studying the relationship of stress and immune function, however, do not study a sudden, short-lived stressor; rather, they try to study more constant and frequent stressors known as chronic stress.
Do regular exercise - 
The regular exercise is one of the pillars of healthy living. Just like a healthy diet, exercise can contribute to a healthy immune system. It may contribute by promoting good circulation, which allows its cells and substances to move through the body freely and do their job efficiently.
Stop smoking - 
Smoking can suppress it because nicotine can lead to decreased neutrophilic phagocytic activity. It can also inhibit the release of reactive oxygen species (ROS) thus impairing the ability of neutrophils to kill pathogens. Within the lungs, smoking triggers a release of inflammatory agents that lead to persistent chronic inflammatory syndrome.
Meditate daily -
It has been found that the benefit we experience from meditation isn't strictly psychological; there is a clear and quantifiable change in how our bodies function. Meditation is one of the restorative activities that may provide relief for our immune systems, easing the day-to-day stress of the body.
Limit added sugar - 
When we eat a big dose of sugar, we temporarily damp down our immune system's ability to respond to challenges. The effect lasts for several hours. So if you eat sweets several times a day, it may be perpetually operating at a distinct disadvantage. Further eating sugary foods can produce excessive inflammation that serves no useful purpose but promotes aging and disease.
The bottom line - 
Our immune system is essential for our survival. Our lifestyle can affect how well it can protect us from germs, viruses, and chronic illnesses. Replacing bad health habits with good ones can help keep it healthy. The above tips if followed adequately can go a long way toward strengthening our immunity.
Our immune system is crucial for our survival since it helps us protect from myriads of illnesses. Our lifestyle is closely linked to our immunity. By adopting the tips mentioned in the article, we can enhance our immunity.

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Tuesday, 19 May 2020

How small changes in food choice can make BIG everyday differences | Ste...

On Making Food Thy Medicine

"Let food be thy medicine"
According to wellness expert and best-selling author Dr Mark Hyman, food is the most powerful medicine available to treat chronic disease. Joel Fuhrman, another physician, has noted that improper nutrition triggers cellular defects against which drugs are ineffective, but that such defects often respond well to proper nutrition. Chronic diseases like cancer, type II diabetes and hypertension have strong nutritional links, and can be reversed through diet alone. Medical students today are learning a little about the link between nutrition and disease. Nevertheless, almost 2500 years after Greek physician Hippocrates uttered the statement quoted above, the medical establishment in the West is yet to incorporate formal training in Nutrition into its medical school syllabus. Medicine as practised in the Western context is not healthcare, but sick care; and food as healthcare remains yet to be implemented by most practitioners.
Reversing the therapeutic order
In medical practice, the focus is primarily on treating symptoms of disease, with diet lying at the bottom of the therapy pyramid. Much greater emphasis is placed on surgery, pharmaceutical products and physiotherapy than on more natural and often equally effective methods including exercise and stress management as well as diet. However, a growing body of physicians now believes that, in most cases, treatment should start with diet.
Food and epigenetics
Epigenetic changes alter the physical structure of genetic material (DNA) without affecting the underlying DNA sequence. One such change is effected through methylation, the addition to DNA of methyl groups which act as chemical 'caps' that turn genes on or off, with consequences ranging from favourable to disastrous. Diet is one factor known to trigger epigenetic changes, which can be handed down from one generation to the next: in this manner, the dietary sins (or virtues) of parents are visited on the children. Other factors linked to epigenetic changes include obesity, exercise, smoking, alcohol intake, environmental pollutants, psychological stress and shift work. Apart from providing energy, food emits chemical signals that move the consumer's physiology in the direction of health or sickness - depending on the type of food consumed. Food may be thus be regarded not merely as a set of macronutrients but also as information: a form of molecular intelligence that can influence genetics as well as physiology.
Food and pesticides
All commercial green crops get sprayed with pesticides, including wheat crops used in pasta, cereals and animal feed. One of the most commonly used of these is the herbicide glyphosate (formulated as Roundup), used on plant leaves to kill weeds. Once viewed as a safe product, glyphosate is now associated with cancer, birth defects and neurotoxicity, and carries multi-generational effects. Atrazine, another herbicide, has been shown to disrupt hormones, increase cancer risk and induce negative behavioural and genetic changes that are also passed down through several generations.
Recent findings suggest that an offspring's risk of autism spectrum disorder increases following prenatal exposure to pesticides within 2,000 m of its mother's residence during pregnancy, compared with offspring of women from the same agricultural region without such exposure. In one case study, food management was used successfully to treat sudden onset autism in which a school child, previously even-termpered and excelling academically, suddenly became violent and academically poor. Analysis showed that the affected child's urine contained high levels of glyphosate. Six weeks on a highly modified organic diet led to undetectable urine glyphosate levels, accompanied by a complete reversal of the autism symptoms.
Making right dietary choices
Our body is constantly changing, and every diet choice affects that change. The American academic and farmer Wendell Berry famously observed that people are fed by the food industry, which pays no attention to health, and are treated by the health industry, which pays no attention to food. In today's information-rich world, it is possible for people to manage their own health and wellbeing through making the relevant dietary choices. In making such choices, an emphasis on foods that are rich in life energy can help reduce the impact of pesticides in the food chain. The following measures have been shown to exert a positive impact on heath:
Minimising food processing - to attain and maintain good health, it is important to eliminate from the diet such heavily processed foods as biscuits, cakes, crisps, tinned vegetables,sausage rolls, frozen pizza and microwaveable dinners.
Eating kimchi - and other fermented foods including kefir, kombucha, tempeh, yoghurt and apple cider vinegar. These foods add healthy bacteria and enzymes to the gut, increasing the health of the digestive system and enhancing the immune system. It is estimated that one tablespoonful of sauerkraut contains one trillion good bacteria, so that health advantages can be reaped with relatively small amounts.
Prioritising whole foods - these are unprocessed, unrefined plant foods that include whole grains such as brown rice, rolled oats and quinoa as well as fruits and vegetables. Such foods are rich in properties that nourish the microbiome and create good gut-brain connections, which activate genes in the brain that mediate wellbeing. Experts claim that 90% of body pesticides can be eliminated in one week on a raw organic diet.
Not everyone has access to organic foods. The most important rule for optimising health is to avoid refined foods while eating foods in season - which means buying locally. For those toxic foods that prove irresistible, following an 80:20 rule (80% of nutrient-rich and 20% of nutrient-poor foods) is a commonly agreed method for maintaining health while allowing oneself an occasional 'treat.'
Foods for different effects
Many of these recommended foods facilitate digestion, and shift the microbiome positively:
  • Anti-inflammatory foods - turmeric, walnuts, pineapple, broccoli, green tea, flaxseed, lemon, berries, cantaloupe, kale, garlic and avocado.
  • Foods for the immune system - mushrooms, onions, garlic and honey.
  • Foods for prostate health - anise, Celtic sea salt, lychee berries, peaches, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, tangerines, watermelons and mangos.
  • Brain foods - nuts, bananas, seeds, tomatoes, dark chocolate, spinach, salmon, berries, eggs and avocado.
Our history and our own choices in life can have a massive effect on quality of life. Using food as medicine, we can change our genetic expression and health quality. In 1903, Thomas Edison predicted that the doctor of the future would use not drugs but nutrition to cure or prevent disease. While we await this beneficial development in the medical establishment, it is possible for us to begin making dietary decisions that will transform life and health into their best possible states.
The content of this article was created for informational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
Recommended material
  1. Let food be thy medicine (UCTV): YouTube 2018 -
  2. Medicine is not health care, food is health care: plant metabolic engineering, diet and human health (Martin & Lee): Epub 2017 Aug 10. -

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