Your Health should be something that you safeguard and cherish. Quite often lack of exercise is one important factor that contributes to declining health. The reality is that exercise is a habit. The best way to cultivate this habit so that it becomes a regular routine in your life is to create commitments that force you to follow through.
In life we can have reasons or results. Which do you have more of?
The marketplace is filled with potions and lotions that promise all kinds of health benefits. Imagine that there was a pill that if you took it regularly it would help alleviate stress, improve your outlook and perspective, extend your life and strengthen your body. Chances are that you would acquire a lifetime supply of this pill. While there is no magic pill the next closest thing is exercise.
The reality is that you cannot achieve optimal health without exercise. Your body has seven channels of elimination to get toxins out of the body. They are the Liver, Lungs, Blood, Skin , Colon, Lymphatic System and Kidneys. All of these vital systems will only function optimally if you move your body and make the blood circulate throughout your body.
To build and strengthen your body, you need to give it the attention it demands and deserves.
To build and strengthen your body, you need to give it the attention it demands and deserves.
Most people dread exercise. They perceive it to be a painful part of a fitness routine. A good fitness routine is not about training for a triathlon. Fitness is all about creating motion in the body and blood so that the body can begin a process that naturally cleanses itself.
Here are the top 7 ways to make fitness a priority in your life:
1. Decide. The word decide is derived from the latin root "decidir" which means to cut off any other possibility from occurring. Make the decision that your long term health is too important to compromise with a list of reasons.
2. Find a friend or family member to increase your level of commitment. There is power in having to follow through because of a commitment you made to a friend or family member.
3. Hire a fitness trainer and pay in advance. The best way for you to create a habit is to pay cold hard cash to an expert that makes you place a value on the decision you have made. If you commit your money to the experience psychologically it will assist you to follow through to the commitment you have made.
4. Enroll in a group class. This can assist you in finding the support to stay motivated.
5. Block off the time in your day planner and plan ahead. Write down your activity as a must-do in your daily planner.
6. Every day write a reminder to yourself about your health and fitness and why they are important. This activity takes a few minutes and is a fantastic way to stay focused and keep fitness on your mind.
7. Sign up for walk-a-thon, 3k run or swim months ahead and commit to achieving a certain time. There are hundreds these events available every year. Once again by committing to participate you are cutting off any other possibility from occurring. You get focused as you prepare for the event and you'll feel a tremendous sense of accomplishment when you have done it.
It all begins with a simple decision. When you make that decision you need a few weeks to ingrain the activity to make it a habit.
I have found these simple techniques to be a fantastic way to make fitness a priority in your life.
Charles Volcolatte is a health and weight loss researcher and writes actively on weight loss information []. His passion is helping others on Weight Loss issues and shares his knowledge at [] where he works as a staff writer.