Here is a challenge -- think back to when you believed that there was nothing that you were unable to accomplish.
What were your goals and aspirations?
How much money did you want to earn?
What did you want to be?
Did you get there? If yes -- Good for you!!
Most of us however have settled. Settled for the mundane, the getting by and our survival. in today's times that is getting harder and harder and especially if we allow all of the negative press to get to us, the money markets, the wars, the foreclosure statistics, the crime, the all out media blast that the world is doomed and allowing those influences to have a real negative affect on our ability to move forward it seems almost impossible.
How do we get around all of that?
With some simple choices is how -- actual decisions to not allow all of the "stuff" happening around us to influence our ability to move forward. You may think that is a ridiculous statement, after all we are being bombarded by all of the "stuff". It is all over the newspapers, the television, the radio and especially the Internet.
Consider this simple fact though:
It is only a relatively low percentage of people that are really being impacted by all of this. Even in the Great Depression there were only 30 - 35% of the population affected. All be it a huge number the Law of Polarity will point out that if that was the case then 70 - 65% of the people were excelling or not really affected by the situation. Companies like Kleenex, as an example came out of that era as a powerhouse because the leadership of the company discovered a niche market and demand for the product. This is just one example of course and there are dozens more.
Never giving up,
Realizing Opportunity
Acting, not re-acting
These are all decisions that each of us can make. The easiest way for us to get into the mode of choosing and deciding to not be affected and have our lifestyle disrupted by these disruptive times is to ensure that we expose ourselves only to the positive things happening around us.
Turn the News off!!
Stop reading the Newspaper!!
Get out of the discussions at work with respect to the doom and gloom!!
Get back to being you!!
You are extraordinary and have all of the ability in the world to create a positive change within your circle of influence. Be happy and grateful for what you have and the ability to live the lifestyle you do -- whether it is exactly what you want or not. Get clear on what you absolutely want -- focus on it -- journal your day -- note 5 - 10 things every day that you are grateful for and another 5 - 10 things that you notice to be abundant.
Worried about gas prices? -- be grateful for the 1/2 tank you have today!
Concerned about your investments? -- be grateful that you can replace it if need be -- because you can
Concerned about your health? -- be grateful that you can choose right now to live healthier -- just decide!
I know that these are easier said than done but the reality is that it is very simple -- just choose -- just decide and then you will be able to get it done -- what you can believe you can achieve!
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